This guide show you how to upload product images from a web source that can be used in inventory and product reports
1. Find the image on your website that you wish to use and right click on image and select "Copy Image Address"
2. Click on the Inventory tab in Blastramp
3. Click on Mass Edit
4. Select Season
5. Select Description URL (include http://)
6. Paste your items description (e.g.SKU) "BTLT314SP24" into input field and click "GO"
7. Paste image address (from "Copy Image Address" into "Description URL" field
(- Repeat this step for each relevant SKU/Size)
8. Click on SAVE
9. Click on Inventory MAIN
10. Type "all over rose" or "BTLT314SP24" (the description you named your image)
11. Check Display Images (CIS/ATS/ATA)
12. Click View Report
Click HERE for the step by step video