Troubleshooting Auto Release Settings
To configure auto release settings, navigate to: Advanced > Administration > General > Auto Release - manage the current warehouse's auto-release schedule
Turn on Auto-Release: Ensure this is toggled
Auto-Release by order start date: Toggle on if you wish to auto-release when the the ship window begins
Minimum Fill %: - Blank will allow ALL orders to Auto-Release. e.g. Minimum Fill: 50% will allow any order with 50% or more inventory will auto release if the terms are correctly set up (see below)
If your Order is not being released automatically as Auto-Release, there might be a discrepancy in the logic between the two rules.
For instance, ensure that the term "NET 30" is specified in both of the following fields:
1. Limit auto-release to specific Order Terms: This field restricts auto release based on specific terms. If it is required that the Auto-Release is required to be Released to Ship then you only need to place the term in this first field. Example WEB.
2. Auto-release to Pack & Hold for specific Order Terms: This field checks for the presence of the term before releasing. If "NET 30" is only included in the second rule and not the first, the auto release process will fail. For example, the configuration for "Amazon DC" is set up correctly if you wanted it that specific term to be set to Release to Pack & Hold. "NET 60" would also be set up incorrectly and fail to release to Auto-Release Pack hold.
Minimal Fill notification: is set that if an order is not Auto-Released because it does not meet the Minimum Fill% and email can be configured here to alert the agent.
Dispatch schedule of notification for failed releases (in hours): Sets the time on how frequently the email is sent out to the Minimum Fill Notification:
Do not release backorders? - toggle to prevent Backorders from being auto-released.
Prevent downloaded orders from being released by auto release : Toggle this to prevent a reversed order that was already downloaded from being auto-released again to allow an edit.