The Main Page is your one stop for an overview of all processes going on in the warehouse. It is a summary of all inbound and outbound activity.
Work in Process: Work in Process outlines all activity in the warehouse. This data is presented in Units, Lines (SKUs), Orders/Receipts and Value. The work categories presented are:
Staged Shipments: Shipments that have been added into staging in the dashboard as arrived but not yet being received.
Being Received: Shipments that have been released to the DC and are currently being received and verified by the warehouse.
Awaiting Download: Orders released to the DC and not yet downloaded and being worked on.
Being Picked: Downloaded Pick tickets on the warehouse floor currently being worked on.
In Pack & Hold: Orders that have been picked and packed and are now being held from shipping until customer release and or payment collection.
Being Shipped: Packed Orders being shipped out of the facility.
These categories are all blue links and when clicked will provide more details on specific Orders/Shipments, notes made against them, and the date the process started and how long the work has been taking. The Order/Shipment ID's are also live links that provide a further level of detail by taking you to the respective summary.
View all open orders - At the bottom of the Work in Process box you can "View all open orders”. This is an open pick summary of all open orders and lists the total number of orders, Order ID, Customer Name, Date released, Days since released, Current Status and Comments. The Order ID’s are blue links that when selected dig deeper to an Order Detail summary and the Comments (or the three dots if blank) are a link to a pop up comments box providing the ability to leave a comment.
The Month Summary: The Month Summary reports all the work processed by the facility by date and report type.
Month Summary Report Period lets you select the month and year for the report to display.
Month Summary Report Type lets you select the report type from a drop down for the report to display. The options for report type are:
Receiving: Shipments that have been released to the DC and are currently being received and verified by the warehouse.
Picking – Pick/ Pack: Orders picked, packed and updated by the warehouse.
Shipping – Pick / Pack: Orders picked, packed and shipped by the warehouse.
Shipping – Cross Dock: Pre-packed orders shipped by the warehouse.
Shipping – Both: Shipped orders both from pre-packed orders and pick/pack orders.
Returns: Processed and closed returns inspected by the warehouse.
Once the report period and report type are selected, the report will present by day Units, Lines (SKUs), Orders/ Receipts and Value. Each day is a blue link that when selected will present a summary of units, lines and value for all report types.
On the top right of this summary you can click the “Turn detailed view ON“link. This detailed view displays all the report types for that specific day, but also list the actual Order ID’s, Shipment ID's and Return ID’s, which are all blue links to summary pages.