This report takes a look at all the orders that match the select search criteria, and display a summary of units and dollars for that date range you select. Once the report is generated you can click into those values for more information.
Navigation: Reports > Sales and Bookings by Date Range
Report Types:
The output of this report depends on the 'Report Type' selected.
Customer - summarize sales/bookings by Customer Name based on the Ship To Address. This groups all orders up according to the customer profile they are associated with.
Orders - summarize sales/booking by Order ID on its own row, with a summary of the quantities associated to each order.
Rep - summarize sales/bookings by Rep Name. This groups all orders together according to the Sales Rep they are associated with.
Start Date/End Date:
Use these two filters to set a start date to match orders on, and to specify which field the start date applies to. The date can be matched against when the order first booked, when the order was allocated, when the order shipped, when the order is expected to start shipping and cancelled.
Select Linelist:
Use this filter to look at all the orders that match the linelist season code associated to that order. ALL Linelist will display at all the orders that are associated to a season code.
Tip: If you want to filter more then one specific linelist click the "shift" button on your keyboard.
Select Pricelist:
Use this filter to set what price you to want to report on, based on the pricelist you have set up.
Gross Value - Will pull the value of the order.
Net Value (Value of Goods, Addtl Charges, Discounts/Credits) - will pull the value if the orders have any Additional Charges and/or any Discount/Credits applied to the order.
Select Date Mode:
Use this filters to limit orders included in the report to those that are currently in the selected Status(es).
Select Output:
Use this filter to select Units, Dollars or Both to display on report.
Combine ALL Warehouses?
If you have multiple warehouses on your portal, it will allow you to display orders from all warehouses in your search.
Include Back Orders?
This check box can be used to determine if Back ORders should be included in the report or not.
Note: In this report, back orders are considered to have a '0' value for Booked units, as the booked units are taken into account on the primary order.
Breakdown by:
These check boxes allows you to view the information by Day / Week / Month