To create a receipt from a Purchase Order (PO),
- Go to Production tab
- Edit Purchase Order dropdown menu, select the desired purchase order and click View
- Finalize and confirm the purchase order matching with manufacturer's confirmation
- Enter a reason for editing if required (this is an optional requirement based on setting)
- Click Save
- Scroll to the last section of the PO, you will find the heading PO Breakdown.
Group 1 you will find PO Status "Allocated to Shipments" or "Left to Ship". Single click the status to update PO Status.
Group 2 you will find shipments created related to this PO. - Click on (create new shipment) to create shipment located next to Existing Shipments.
- A new window will pop up. Fill in shipment details and expected quantity in the shipment.
- Clicking Fill with left to Ship will automatically copy the quantity indicated in brackets "left to ship".
- In the case where the PO is divided into several shipments, you will want to create multiple shipments. For easier and quicker receiving by the warehouse, therefore, the units for the shipment being created will have to be manually filled in from the packing slip. The quantity in "left to ship" is calculated from what's remaining to be shipped.
- Once the contents are filled in, you are ready to create a receipt. Scroll to the top of the page and Save.
- You will find the receipt under the Receiving Tab
See tutorial Managing Shipment Receipt to view how to release and finalize a shipment.