Query-Sales Order report will let you customize the report by selecting criteria fields, the option to include order contents and be able to filter your criteria to make your report as specific as you want.
Navigation: Reports > Query-Sales Order
- To select your fields from the left to the right for a new report, double clicking the word or highlight and click the ">>" icon to add or remove the field.
- Choose if you would like to Include Order Contents by either selecting "Yes, on the same line" or "Yes, on its own line" and you have the option to Include UPC in Order Contents.
Note: UPC's must be uploaded for this feature to display.
Select the Product Category of the SKU to include in the report.
To add product category to a SKU, use mass edit or include as part of the linelist upload.
- The option to add a filter you need to select the Order Field from a drop down, add the Operation and add the Criteria.
Note: When selecting the Order Field, you need to ensure you have it selected above. Ei. If you select Season/Linelist and only wanted to see orders from Spring 15, it would look like this.
- We have order codes for reporting you can use when you select field "Current Status" as follows:
- If you add a filter to only display shipped orders, you would add O4 in the criteria and it will display only orders with that code.
- Click Now create your report to view the report.
- The report will display and you can export it into an Excel document by clicking the icon "export to excel".
- If you want to run a specific report on a regular basis, there is an option to Save Template As by entering a name to save the template.
- Next time you want to run the report, select it under Load Template > click Load. It load with the settings you selected.