Adjust Inventory Levels: The Feature allows Users with Warehouse Full Access to add to and remove product from inventory.
Once ready to remove products from Inventory, the SKU must be selected from the inventory dropdown or typed into the look up bar. The warehouse ID and Category ID options can also be changed by using the drop down. Once the proper information is selected, click on the “Load” button.
In the adjust inventory screen you will find the SKU, Description, and On Hand Quantity and Location. There is an “Actual Quantity” field to add in the quantity you would like the inventory changed to.
The location field is also editable if the new quantity has moved locations. There is also a “Reason Code” field if the warehouse tracks inventory adjustments through codes, and a mandatory “Reason for Adjustment” field, to type in why the change was made. Once all applicable information is entered the “Submit” button will make the change.
*Note: There is a check box for “Add/Remove from on Hold Inventory,” as inventory may be placed on hold so it can not be affected through the “Mass Edit” function.
All Inventory adjustments are logged and may be viewed by selecting the “View Latest Inventory Adjustments” link. Up to 8,000 adjustments can be sorted by the date. Here the SKU, Computer Quantity, Actual Quantity, Change, Adjusted By, Reason Code, Reason, and Date are listed.
Adjusted Released orders: This functionality allows you to remove product from the Order and Inventory without having to Reverse the order.
To remove Products from an Order, the Order needs to be selected from the drop down and the “Load” button selected. The Order will be displayed with the SKU, Description, and Order details. The amount of Units Ordered, Backordered and Shipped are displayed with an Actual Shipped open filed that can be filled out with whatever was available from inventory. There is also a field available for reason code and reason for adjustment. Any shortage entered in this field will not only remove the units from the order but from inventory as well. Once all units are adjusted the “Update Order” button can be selected.