It is very common you might need to add another size or colour to an existing style in Blast Ramp. The easiest way to do this is to use the Copy SKU function.
*Note: This only updates a style per location, so you will need to update all locations separately.
Click here for Video to Adding Size/Colour to a Style
Navigation: Inventory > SKU Management > Copy SKU
- Enter New SKU you want to add
- From the Select SKU to Copy dropdown, Select the SKU that contains the same style information. ie. If I am adding a size, I will select a SKU with the same style and colour.
- Click Copy SKU
Tip: Make sure the size you are adding is part of your sizescale under Advanced > Administration > Sizescale.
- The information for that SKU is displayed below. Click Edit Additional Details for other info like colour description.
- Click Update
- Confirmation message displayed "Successfully edited SKU"
- To confirm that the size/colour has been added correctly, go to Inventory > Mass Edit > Enter the SKU partially by only including style name or excluding size if you are adding colour > GO.
You have successfully added a size to a style in Blast Ramp