After the receipt has been created either manually or off the PO, the receipt is held until the product has arrived at the facility. It can be found and edited under the Receiving Tab > Edit an Inbound Shipment
Once the warehouse is ready to receive, you can release it to the warehouse. Once released the receipt can be printed to receive the units against, and finalize the shipment to be added to inventory.
Edit an Inbound Shipment
Edit an Inbound Shipment allows you to make changes in Shipment Contents and Shipment Details to the inbound shipment before it has been released to the DC.
Click here to view video on editing a shipment
- Locate the Shipment ID in the drop down and select Go
- Shipment quantities will be displayed with open quantity fields to be edited. As well the Shipment detail Fields will be open for edits including Carrier, Weigh bill, Origin, Currency, PO, number of pieces, Tax Rate and container number.
- Once Edits are made, click on the “Update Shipment” button to save.
Release an Inbound Shipment to the DC
Once a shipment is released to the DC it can be printed and used by the warehouse to receive product against, it also becomes un-editable.
Click here to view video on release a shipment
- Under Release Shipment to DC, you will see created Shipments, listing Shipment ID, PO, Weight Bill and Date Created.
- Click on [Shipment ID] to view the shipment
- On the right of the page, check off the shipment to release
- Click Release at the bottom of the list
Reverse an Inbound Shipment
In order to modify or delete a released shipment, it needs to be reversed to be 'unreleased'.
Click here to view video on reversing a shipment
- Within Receiving tab, select Reverse
- Select the checkbox of the shipment to reverse on the right of the page
- Click Reverse button at the bottom of the list
- The shipment is now in the edit stage
Finalizing an Inbound Shipment
Finalizing an inbound shipment means to complete the shipment and add the product into inventory.
- In the Receiving tab > stay on MAIN
- Select the shipment to complete in the Finalize an inbound shipment dropdown
- Click Go
- With the filled out printed shipment receipt on-hand, enter the location and quantity in the correct text box
- Enter the initial or name of the person that received the shipment in the warehouse in the Rec Received By box
- Enter your or the person completing the shipment's initial or name in the Finalized By box
- Click Finalize