Preparing for the Count
To perform a full inventory physical count, generate Inventory Cycle Count report
- Inventory > New (next to the page header) > Select Inventory Cycle Count > Select Linelist to count (hold down command/CTRL button to select multiple, but we recommend one linelist at a time) > Select Display All Quantities to include items with 0 qty > View Report
- Export the report to Excel by clicking the Excel icon, or copy and paste the results into Excel.
- Enter the count (excluding the released items)
- Note the difference Count vs. Available
- Remove SKUs without difference
- Remove columns: Category, Description, Released, Total
Uploading Adjustment
- Go to Advanced > Utilities > Upload Inventory Adjustments via copy and paste from excel
- Select all the data in your excel spreadsheet excluding the column headers
- on your keyboard, CMD (Mac)/CTRL (PCs)+C to copy
- in Blast Ramp, paste into the large text box by pressing keys CMD/CTRL+V
- Leaving Commit Adjustment unselected, Blast Ramp will provide a Preview
- Submit
- Click Back to select Commit Adjustment if left unselected previously
- Submit to commit to the adjustment
Troubleshooting Upload Errors
2 most common errors encountered when performing this task:
Using the Inventory Count Report will minimizing the chances of running into these errors. Do not change the Location column
If Quantity was unmatched, it may be caused from data entry into the the wrong column.